Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Factors That Can Cause Alopecia Totalis

Factors That Can Cause Alopecia Totalis
Alopecia Areata is the condition when hairs starts to fall out and forms into small patches usually on the scalp. It is rarely associated with any other external or internal medical problems. Most often these bald areas regrow their hair spontaneously. It is rare before the age of 3. There seems to be a significant tendency to inherit alopecia areata. Alopecia Totalis is total hair loss from the scalp. Alopecia Universalis is the most severe case and this is hair loss from the scalp, eyebrows, body and hands. About half of all people affected will grow their hair back within a year without getting any treatment. However, the condition can reoccur at any time.
If you feel that you are encountering Alopecia Totalis or any of the other Alopecia conditions, you should consult with specialists, research the issue and even arrange to see a dermatologist. This will help you to understand your condition and also know that you are taking pro-active steps to make the best of the situation. Once the hair loss starts, it can be a very hard to deal with but if you have an insight into what to expect it may in some cases lessen the stress levels. People will be affected by the onset of Alopecia Totalis in different ways: some will be very pragmatic and accept that they have the condition and try not to allow it to change their life, whilst others will look for solutions or alopecia treatments and try to find ways to combat the condition.
The main cause of alopecia totalis, like all alopecia cases, is still not defined at this point. There are several factors, however, which are being considered to be the cause of this condition. Experts and scientists have pointed out various factors, most of them revolving around genetics. Men are mostly affected with this condition, all because of high amounts of androgens present in their body. Androgens such as testosterone are considered to be a major factor in the progress of this condition.
There are also researches that show that this condition is caused by autoimmune disorders, a condition wherein the immune system becomes so active that it starts destroying the normal cells and tissue present in the body. When this happens, hair follicles die, causing hair strands to fall off. Alopecia can also be caused by deliberate measures, such as a side effect of chemotherapy and other drugs which react to fast-acting cells.
Marbo Hair products are 100% natural, without the harsh chemicals like many other hair treatments contain. It is risk-free and easy to apply. This hair loss prevention product has all pure ingredients that make it safer to use on a daily basis. They have strong effect and quick results, which is proven through twenty years dermatological examination. They activates growth of new hair on bald spots ant it is effective in all cases, from the mildest, with only one or several affected spots, to alopecia totalis, which results in complete loss of hair.

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