Monday, September 17, 2012

Some Known Facts About Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is the term given for the condition of losing hair in one or more areas of the scalp and body. It affects both male and female, having a preference towards children, teenagers and young adults more than the older generation.

The very first signs or Alopecia symptoms are small bald patches in any place on the head and in males, can also affect the beard or any other hair-baring part of the body. Hair start growing again in one spot and balding in another while this disorder is prevalent. The area of hair loss can be sensitive and the hair loss can occur quickly. Another sign is the shape of the strand of hair with thickness of the strand at the end of the shaft and the thinness at the scalp.

Facts about this condition are:

- 5% of Alopecia Areata patients are likely to develop a more advances condition such as total loss of hair in the head, Alopecia Totalis while others develop Alopecia Universalis or the total loss of body hair.
- For the first lesion that appears within 24 hour period, patients may experience a sensation of pain in the affected area.
- 25% of children with Alopecia Areata condition also experience ridging of the nails.
- The scalp is usually the area that is affected but Alopecia can also be present in other parts of the body.
- Hair pull test is usually performed to determine if the particular area is actively affected or further loss of hair can be expected.

The good news is that around 50% of patients affected with this condition grow back the hair in one year. Only 10% have a more serious condition, when the hair follicles do not form the hair again. There are some treatments available, prescribed according to the condition of the patient. It’s important to inform yourself about the condition as much as you can in order to approach it in a calm matter.

Hair disorders are accompanied by the following signs and symptoms, depending on the type. Non-scarring alopecia involves hair loss all over or in circular areas: a receding hair line, broken hairs, a smooth scalp, inflammation, and possibly loss of lashes and eyebrows. Scarring alopecia is limited to particular areas. Symptoms are inflammation at the edge and follicle loss toward the center of lesions, violet colored skin abnormalities, and scaling.

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