Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Another Scalp Condition - Psoriasis

There are a wide number of hair and scalp conditions. Some of them are rare, while others are more common. Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune skin disease that causes the body’s immune system to attack the hair follicles, causing baldness in patches. In more severe cases, where the disease progresses to the extent that all scalp hair is lost, it is called Alopecia Totalis. Where hair loss advances to the entire body it is called Alopecia Universialis. Generally, this condition occurs usually before age 20, and does not seem to affect one particular gender or culture.

Immune-mediated disorder is called psoriasis which affects different areas and functions of the body. It is not contagious, but it manifests itself usually in the form of patches of raised red skin, followed by burning and itching. Few factors that are considered to contribute to the progress of psoriasis are: emotional stress, some infections, toxemia, the thinning of the intestinal walls and side-effects of certain drugs. Good thing is that it can be treated with a variety of topical creams and shampoos.

Nutrition can help the patients affected with psoriasis, so they should eat fish, poultry and lamb on a regular basis, maintain a high alkaline diet and consume low fat milk or buttermilk. Fish, especially fresh or canned salmon, sardines and solid white albacore tuna contains Omega-3 fatty acids that are important for skin and scalp health. In order to avoid excess fat, you should remove the skin from the chicken before eating it and avoid eating goose and duck. Dairy products should be consumed moderately and only low-fat or non-fat dairy products. You should avoid eating white bread. People affected with this condition should eliminate alcohol consumption completely.

One condition that affects everyone who suffers from psoriasis is called toxemia. It is caused by poor circulation and the thinning of the intestinal walls, where the patient’s blood becomes acidic, and consequently affects the largest organ in the body - the skin. It can be eased significantly by internal cleansing, increasing the intake of water, an increase in exposure to the sun in certain cases, an active reduction in stress by removing stressful conditions and the elimination of nightshades like: tomatoes, tobacco, eggplant, white potatoes and paprika.

The thing that will help you though is not to scratch your scalp, since this could damage the hair follicles in the dermis and cause permanent hair loss. Hair loss caused by this condition is usually temporary and hair will grow back once the condition clears, just as long as the follicles are not damaged. The important thing is that psoriasis cannot be cured through drugs.

Marbo Lotion quickly stops hair loss regardless of its cause. This product is very easy to use and you can expect fast results. We highly recommend use of this product together with Marbo Shampoo 03 for best results. It is recommended in case of different scalp problems: dandruff, oily hair, seborrhoeic dermatitis, scalp itching, thin and weak hair, hair loss for hormone imbalance (problems with thyroid gland, cystic ovaries, pregnancy), occasional seasonal hair loss, cytostatic therapy and radiation and for hair damaged by chemical treatment.

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