Thursday, September 6, 2012

Condition That Affects Men – Alopecia Barbae

Patches of hair loss in the beard is a special type of hair loss known as Alopecia Barbae . This situation is characterized by little circular shaped spots of facial hair loss. It is a kind of alopecia and falls in the same class of hair loss as male pattern baldness. It is not harmful but can be upsetting to men who suffer through it. It often occurs that men who experience patches of facial hair loss, experience it again at another point in time. Though the condition does not harm your physical health, culture commonly thinks that spots of baldness to signify significant illness and responds by avoiding that individual. Remedies can help many men regenerate all or part of their beard. Many men choose to shave their face so it is not so visible to others.

There are a number of treatment options for hair loss, the most often being cortisone shots. Little amounts of cortisone are injected into the area of the baldness. It's for the most part seen as a safe therapy although negative effects can include skin thickening or sunken areas in the skin at the area of the injection that generally heals itself over time. Minoxidil is another topical treatment that diluted to 5% is ideal for stimulating hair growth.

The factors responsible for Alopecia Barbae have not been clearly identified yet. Some studies show that heredity and autoimmune diseases might be responsible for causing this condition, since large number of people has a family history of this condition are found to be affected by it. Scientists suggest that our body produces antibodies with the advent of Alopecia Barbae . The antibodies get collected in one patch and attack the hair follicles or cells causing hair loss. Some of the medicines are effective against it, but these should be availed strictly under doctor's supervision.

Minoxidil is found to be an effective medication. It comes in a liquid form and needs to be rubbed onto the affected area at least twice in a day. This medicine helps in re-growing and also preventing further hair loss. Minoxidil medication can sometimes cause irritation.

Corticosteroid is a slightly painful treatment conducted usually by a dermatologist. Injections of corticosteroids are inserted onto the skin where hair loss is prominent. Injections are given on a monthly basis, which can result in hair growth. In some severe cases dermatologists can also prescribe corticosteroids pills to work along with the injections. Creams and ointments containing corticosteroids are available, but they are not as effective as the corticosteroid injection.

Anthralin (Drithocreme) is available in the form of a cream or ointment which is synthetic and tar based. This cream or ointment is to be applied on the bald patches of the skin. This cream can lead to irritation of the skin, so should be applied only in appropriate quantity.

Marbo Activator is made by the 100% natural formula that activates growth of new hair on thinning and bald regions. Effective in most cases of alopecia areata from mildest to alopecia totalis, which results in total hair loss . This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and facial hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier.

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