Hair is made of protein called keratin, so when follicles produce new cells, old cells appear on the surface making strings of hair. Normally, adults have on their head about 100,000 - 150,000 hairs, averagely losing hundred a day. More or less, all of our bodies are covered with it. If the cause is some other factor, that number can be greater.
Hair regrowth in alopecia areata can seem like a constant battle. There is no cure for autoimmune disorders at this time, only ways to suppress them. This means that it will be something you will battle for the rest of your life. Some commonly known facts about the condition are: for the first lesion that appears within 24 hour period, patients may experience a sensation of pain in the affected area, the scalp is usually the area that is affected but Alopecia Areata can also be present in other parts of the body, 25% of children with Alopecia Areata condition also experience ridging of the nails, 5% of Alopecia Areata patients are likely to develop a more advances condition such as total loss of hair in the head, Alopecia Totalis, while others develop Alopecia Universalis or the total loss of body hair, hair pull test is usually performed to determine if the particular area is actively affected or if further loss of hair can be expected. People, who are affected by the disorder despite losing hair, are perfectly healthy.
The best thing to do in order to stop hair loss is to address it as soon as you notice increased hair loss. The longer it goes untreated the more difficult it is going to be stopped. There are medications that can be taken to help restore hair. It is important to stress that consultation with your doctor after first signs of hair loss is crucial for treating it. There are numerous Treatments for alopecia areata that you may want to try, although their effectiveness varies for everyone. Some treatments for alopecia areata may encourage your hair to grow back, although none of these can completely cure the condition. Natural formula that is effective in most cases of hair loss is called Marbo Activator. It can be used for loss of all body and facial hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier.
Specialist physicians in "Marbo Hair" dermatology wards performed over 15,000 screenings of patients who suffered from various types of Alopecia . The patients included adults and children and physicians monitored the effect of the Marbo products – Activator, Lotion and Shampoo. The results clearly demonstrate that Marbo Activator is one of the most effective natural hair care products for growing new hair and that its effect is the fastest when applied together with Lotion and Shampoo. Marbo products are current the only natural products for hair growth prescribed by physicians.
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