Thursday, August 23, 2012

Alopecia Barbae – Disturbing Condition For Men

Alopecia Barbae – Disturbing Condition For Men
Alopecia Barbae is not harmful but it is not a pleasant condition for men who suffer through it. It isn't correlated to any other health issues and doesn't affect your overall health. It is fairly typical for men who experience patches of facial hair loss to experience it again at another point in time though the barbae form of alopecia does not indicate or boost your probability for other varieties of alopecia or hair loss.
Even though Areata Barbae does not harm your physical health, it can seriously decrease a man's self-esteem. No one really knows why this hair loss occurs, although there are certain studies that show that it is an autoimmune response from the body, when the hair sheds and can re-grow up to several years later. While only the body can truly cure the condition on its own by turning it off, there are some recommended treatments to encourage the hair follicles to re-grow faster than they would normally.
Cortisone injections are mostly used for treating Alopecia Barbae. This treatment is usually performed by a dermatologist. A tiny needle is inserted repeatedly into the area of the skin where the hair is missing. If the injections work, a patient can expect to see hair re-grow in a period of four weeks. However, cortisone injections are no guarantee that hair will re-grow at all. The procedure is relatively painless with only a minor tingling sensation felt as the injections are placed into the surface of the skin.
The application of anthralin is another possible treatment for Areata Barbae . It is a synthetic cream or ointment that resembles a tar-like substance. This cream or ointment is applied to each of the bald patches of skin to encourage hair growth. The ointment is left on the skin for 30 to 60 minutes before it is washed off. If the treatment has been effective, new hair growth can be seen in approximately 12 to 14 weeks. However, this treatment comes with some side effects - it can irritate or dye the skin, so care must be taken to not leave the cream on for more than the recommended time.
Topical Minoxidil has proved to be effective in treating the cases of Alopecia Barbae. The procedure of this treatment is also quite simple as it just involves applying a solution of the medicine that is 5% in concentration to the affected areas. Some other solutions which are 2% in concentration have not been that effective in the treatment and should be avoided. According to many experts the combination of Topical Minoxidil and Cortisone increases the effectiveness manifolds and also the chances of hair re-growth.
Marbo Activator is made by the 100% natural formula that activates growth of new hair on thinning and bald regions. Effective in most cases of alopecia areata from mildest to alopecia totalis, which results in complete loss of hair. This product can be effectively used for loss of all body and facial hair. Using regularly Marbo Activator stimulates new hair growth on thinning scalp and bald regions, while your hair becomes firmer and healthier.

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