Friday, October 5, 2012

Troubling Condition – Alopecia Areata

The condition that causes lots of problems for many people around the world is called Alopecia . It causes hair loss without any clear warning sign that can indicate it. Hair loss caused by Alopecia can be minimal and excessive and can occur to people of all races, living on all geographical destinations and both genders. Since immune cells attack the body instead of protecting it, it is considered to be an autoimmune disorder. This occurs because of the cells encrypted message that the hair follicles are foreign tissue so the body has to be defended.

The point when a person realizes that something is wrong is when they start noticing round bald patches on the scalp. They can occur to small children or possibly adolescents, but the illness may break out at any age. Hair loss may affect various parts of the scalp and it may happen that, at the same time when hair falls out at one place, it might start to grow from another and any hair surface may be affected including eyebrows, eyelashes and the moustache. Occasionally, the illness is followed by itching, pricking, pain or burning in the afflicted area and some people with alopecia can have abnormalities on the surface of their nails, but it is important to stress that it is not contagious.

Often occurs that a person with hair loss has a relative with the same condition, which indicates that alopecia has something to do with genetics. Genes are found in every cell in your body and carry the codes that determine your characteristics such as your hair and eye color. Children inherit genes from the parents and it's possible that having a certain combination of genes makes you more likely to develop alopecia, although other factors also probably play a part. If you are affected with another condition that involves your immune system like eczema or you are prone to allergies, you may be more at risk of alopecia.

Hair sometimes grows back even without treatment, but it may fall out again and most patients lose their hair more than once before the disease goes away completely. Hair can grow back even in the excessive cases of alopecia, but when hair loss is widespread, there is a greater chance that the hair will not re-grow. Once it does, it can be white or fine at first and later on a person’s own hair color and texture returns.

Deciding about the treatment option may be easier when the causes of Alopecia is identified. Therefore, consulting with your primary care physician, dermatologist, or hair transplant specialist is the first step to treatment. Sometimes, an underlying medical condition may be causing the hair loss which when treated will result in the hair growing. If medical treatment is warranted, it can take 6 months or longer to see return of the hair that had been lost. The extra release of adrenaline and stress chemicals affects the composition of the blood, which can cause hair loss. Being aware of this can itself help combat this problem and enable the sufferer to get help sooner rather than later.

If you have need for natural alopecia treatment, visit this site .

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