Thursday, October 4, 2012

Experiencing Hair Loss

Experiencing Hair Loss
Hair loss to a lesser or greater extent due to various reasons is something that most of the people experience in some point of their lives. A unique way of determining hair loss causes doesn’t exist, but some researches have shown that there is a strong connection between hair loss and DNA of the relatives. Even though this is the case, it doesn’t have to mean that all the kids from the parents who have hair loss, have the condition themselves.
Alopecia areata, a medical term for hair loss, can be caused by many things. Opinions about the influence that stress can have on the hair loss differ. Lots of people experienced themselves a major hair loss after some traumatic event like death in the family or divorce. Life style change can help or at least improve the overall health of the body, which can result with hair growth if you notice that hair loss is caused by stressful way of life.
All the effort you put in nourishing your hair will pay off, because the results will be obvious, so if you nourish your hair, on the inside and outside, it will show the results for sure. Taking good care of your hair means taking lots of vitamins, minerals, eating diverse food, having a balanced diet and drinking plenty of fluids will result in shinier and stronger hair. Using lots of different hair products may cause the opposite effect to the goal you have set, since they might not be compatible or they consist of some chemicals that are not beneficial for your hair. Losing 50-100 scalp hairs every day is normal, but in the case you notice that when you are washing your hair or combing it there are lots of hair falling, consult your doctor because taking advices or a treatment can only improve the condition.
Women are famous for experimenting with their hair color and different hair styles, which often takes its toll on their hair growth and volume. The condition can be reversed by the changes in their hair treatment, as long as the hair follicles are not damaged. Try dying hair in a natural color, instead of bleaching or even growing your hair natural, since it can be the solution to your problems. Also, wearing hair styles that put pressure on your hair can mean a severe damage if you don not change it in time.
Sudden hair loss can indicate a more serious health condition, while some temporary reasons may cause your hair to fall, like taking birth control pills or having an abortion, diet pills, prescription drugs, hypothyroidism, diabetes and lupus. It can be a medication side-effect, so if you are treating some other condition and notice that your hair is falling more than usual, you should notify your doctor immediately. Taking some other medication as a replacement that won’t have that effect on your body might stop it. Cancer patients usually experience complete hair loss, but luckily it starts growing back as soon as the therapy finishes.
You will find more information on any kind of alopecia areata treatment on this site .

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