Monday, October 8, 2012

Major Causes of Hair Loss

Major Causes of Hair Loss

Follicle alterations occur due to many external and internal influences, which cause the immune system to identify the cells as intruders and create antibodies against them, so instead of protecting leucocytes attack the growing cells of the hair follicles so hair stops growing. No one is spared, it can affect anyone and there are frequent cases of children having Alopecia at a very early age. The persons affected have small hair follicles, which slows down their hair growth.

Genetics proved to be a powerful cause of hair loss and hereditary factors cause shrinking follicles, gradual hair loss, and overall thinning in men and women. People who inherit hair loss begin to see the effects by the age of 50 in most cases.

Eczema is skin disease that is not contagious, but causes hair loss . It inflames skin that exudes and itches from time to time. The unique cause of eczema is unknown, but it's considered to have a connection to body response to an irritant and this response causes the symptoms of eczema. You can recognize eczema by the extreme buildup and sores on the scalp, which can cause severe scarring. The buildup can lead to temporary hair loss, while the scarring can occur if a person scratches the painfully itchy lesions, so the permanent damage of the hair follicles occurs.

Many scientists believe that DHT is the main reason for hair loss and that can be restricted with a natural hair growth product. Men experience hair loss in most cases when level of DHT starts to increase in the body, some man experience hair loss by the age of 16 to 23, while the ones that have more luck begin to lose hair at the age of 30 to 35. Hair loss rate in cases like this depends mainly on the genetic predisposition to hair loss and the level of DHT in hair follicles.

One of the widespread problems is hair loss after pregnancy, because hormone levels change after giving birth. The hormones that accumulated leave the body, going back to the state the body was before the pregnancy, which means that the hair will start falling off also. Losing averagely 50-100 hairs a day is normal, but the estrogen stimulates the hair follicles which reduce the amount of natural hairs lost during pregnancy. This hormonal change can sometimes lead to healthier and stronger scalp hair. Women might suffer from hair loss after childbirth but not while they are pregnant.

Drugs used for chemotherapy are strong and have the purpose to attack cancer cells that are growing rapidly. They also attack all the other fast growing cells, so the ones in the hair roots are not spared. It can cause complete hair loss from the whole body, so it can happen that you will lose your eyelashes, eyebrows, armpit, pubic and other body hair. Fortunately, there are some drugs that cause hair loss to a lesser extent. You should talk to your doctor, so he/she can explain everything you can expect when you start taking them.

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