Monday, October 22, 2012

Male Pattern Baldness in brief

Male Pattern Baldness in brief

Hair cycle usually lasts for about three years, after what is shed, allowing new hair to grow. Men who experience hair loss go through a process that involves these stages: affected hair follicles on the scalp gradually become smaller than normal, as the follicle shrinks, each new hair is thinner than the previous one, before falling out, each new hair grows for much less time than the normal three years or so and eventually, all that remains is a much smaller hair follicle and a thin stump of hair that does not grow out to the skin surface.

These changes are caused by male hormones. Hair follicles convert testosterone into another hormone called dihydrotestosterone, after what affected hair follicles become more sensitive to dihydrotestosterone, causing the hair follicles to shrink. It is also not clear why different hair follicles are affected at different times to make the balding process gradual. male pattern baldness is genetically determined. Doctors refer to this common cause of baldness as androgenic alopecia, an inherited sensitivity to the effects of androgens (male hormones) on scalp hair follicles which causes them to shrink and prevents them from producing hair normally. In afflicted post pubertal individuals, hair follicles in the center of the scalp and over the temple begin to miniaturize, producing small, fine hairs which are difficult to see. This process is due to the metabolism of testosterone by an enzyme in the hair follicle. Generally, hair follicles over the ears and around the posterior of the scalp do not possess this enzyme so a fringe of normal hair is maintained.

People who have classic pattern baldness loose hair in a well-defined pattern, with hair loss beginning above both temples and thinning of the hair at the crown of the head. Influence of androgens causes the follicles in the temporal, frontal and vertex area of the scalp to show a shortening of the Anagen phase, followed by miniaturization of the hair follicles. It affects the percentage of hairs in Anagen phase and the duration of Anagen diminishes in areas affected by Androgenetic alopecia which results in shorter hairs. It is also known by the term "Hippocratic balding" and it may sometimes progress to complete baldness.

male-pattern baldness affects men after puberty, when serum androgen levels raise above the low level found in young boys. The pattern of hair loss in young men cannot be predicted. However, it is proven that men losing hair in their early twenties will lose their hair most extensively if the cause is alopecia. Alopecia is associated with several medical conditions including coronary heart disease and enlargement of the prostate, as well as disorders of insulin resistance, like diabetes and obesity and high blood pressure. Most men have some type of baldness by the time they are in their 60s, but the age when the hair loss starts is variable. Some women also develop a similar type of hair loss, mainly at the crown. Baldness in women is much more common after the menopause.

For more information on Male-pattern baldness click here .

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