Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Alopecia Areata - Condition to Think About

Alopecia Areata - Condition to Think About

Hair is usually something people think about only when they want to style it or get a haircut, hair structure and hair loss are most of the times something we start to worry only when we have to. Even though it is important for us, we tend to take it for granted. We lose in fact fifty to a hundred hairs a day on average, which depends on various factors: level of stress and hormones, the quality of water we wash our hair with, like the overall condition of the body, the climate conditions that we are under, the type of treatments we use for our hair. It all takes toll resulting with hair loss. However, these reasons are not the only cause, there are also some genetic predispositions some people have, meaning that they are more likely to lose hair.

There were some researches performed by scientists that provided some answers, so alopecia is understood little bit better. They discovered that alopecia is autoimmune condition, which means that our hair follicles become attacked by our own immune system, not with a bad intention though. It does it with the purpose to protect our body from the foreign tissue, which is our actual hair. Generally, the main preoccupation of the persons affected is what to do to reverse the condition so the hair can grow back again. Because it affects men and women equally, as well as children, the conclusion is that there is no rule or guide to follow to avoid it. In the case it happens, the only thing you can do is to do the research to get familiar with the condition and to talk with a doctor who will prescribe the right treatment.

It is not easy for the person who suffers from it since it directly alters the self-esteem and self-image, so talking to a psychologist can be of great help. This is not something you should deal with alone, because when you realize just how many people affected are out there, you will find it easier to deal with it. It is especially difficult for parents who have children affected with alopecia. They often don't know how to approach the problem, so counseling can be beneficial for them to educate themselves and others about the condition.

As you'll discover, there are many treatments available for alopecia. The success rate varies depending on the response of the body, the state in which the hair loss is and many other. Most doctors choose corticosteroid shots that are injected directly into the bald spot. You should be aware of the fact that this treatment is effective but painful. The goal of this approach is to suppress the autoimmune reaction. Also, there is topical immunotherapy, which is the form of treatment for extensive alopecia areata that is most common. It consists of usage of immunosuppressant such as cyclosporine that causes a skin reaction similar to mild eczema, which in some cases may lead to regrowth of hair. Anyhow, the decision of the necessary treatment should be made by a qualified doctor.  

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