Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease that results in the hair loss in the shape of round or oval areas without visible inflammation of the underlying skin. It occurs in the hair-baring areas, but most commonly happens in the scalp.
It usually begins as one or more small, round or oval, smooth patches and affects both males and females. It can begin at any age, but it presents itself usually in childhood or young adulthood. In about 1 - 2% of cases, it can spread to affect the entire scalp – this type of alopecia areata is called alopecia totalis or the entire body - alopecia universalis. Its course is cyclical and highly unpredictable, and can vary between individuals.
It is considered to be an autoimmune disease, in which the body attacks its own hair follicles and suppresses hair growth. It can be hereditary, meaning that if there are cases of alopecia areata in your family you will be more likely to have it yourself. It is sometimes associated with other autoimmune disorders, such as vitiligo, familial autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome, and thyroid disease (Hashimoto's disease). Although there is hair loss, the hair follicle themselves remain alive and are able to resume normal hair production if the correct conditions are given.
Alopecia can be diagnosed through the physical examination of the bald patch. Sometimes other tests are also performed in order to rule out other Alopecia Areata Causes . Those tests are serology, which discovers Lupus and a test of fungal scrapes, to see it there are signs of fungal infection.
The progress and the symptoms severity can vary. It can happen that the hair grows back again without any treatments within a year, but the correct diagnosis and the consultation with the doctor are necessary.
There are some common Alopecia Areata Treatment that are used, such as: topical Minoxidil, steroid injections into the affected area and steroid creams. Your doctor might even prescribe you a combination of two treatments, depending on the condition.
You can also try shampoos that contain herbal ingredients from different medicinal herbs, which will stimulate local circulation and hair root renewal with its active ingredients full of vitamins and mineral salts, like Marbo shampoo. It contains sage and rosemary extracts regulate sebum secretion, prevent scalp greasing and soothe scalp itching and irritation.
If it happens that the treatments don’t help, you can always consider the option of adapting to the condition rather than trying to cure it. Using wigs can be a way to deal with the hair loss. They are very well made nowadays, such that it may be almost impossible to tell without close investigation, if it is the person's real hair or a wig.
Alopecia areata, especially when it is presented in a more severe form can be a cause of stress and withdrawal of the person from its social life. Affected people may experience anxiety, social phobia and even depression. Family and social support are highly important in helping those people cope and deal with the condition.
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