Friday, January 4, 2013

Alopecia Barbae - Condition That Affects Male Population

Alopecia Barbae - Condition That Affects Male Population

Alopecia barbae is a type of hair loss in the beard area. It is not caused by fungal infections or other infections of the skin. On the other hand, fungal infections can cause hair loss, usually in a circular pattern and often with a crusting lesion in the middle, so before calling it alopecia or alopecia barbae, it is important to rule out fungus and also other causes such as trauma caused by hair pulling.
If the diagnosis is alopecia areata, the treatments are prescribed accordingly. Alopecia Areta is an autoimmune condition in which the body's own immune cells attack the hair follicles causing hair loss. Minoxidil, which stimulates hair growth, has been used with some effect. Other topical immune agents such as tacrolimus cream may be used for small spots. The important thing is not to choose the treatment yourself, but to see the dermatologist first to get a definitive diagnosis.
Having Alopecia Barbae can be very stressful, especially for people who have their beard and consider it to be a part of their personal image. Seeing patches of hair missing can be a shocking experience. The main concern of the men affected is how they are going to be perceived in the society, if they are going to be seen as less healthy and desirable and it can cause great amount of stress.
Alopecia Barbae is a relatively rare kind of alopecia. Just about 2% of men experience a kind of alopecia areata where hair falls out in sporadic areas. It usually occurs that men who experience patches of facial hair loss, experience it again at another point in time, though the alopecia barbae form of alopecia does not indicate or boost your probability for other varieties of alopecia or hair loss.
There has been a research that made scientists believe that it is genetically predetermined, so people who have someone in the family suffering from this condition are more likely to have it themselves. Patches appear very quickly. At first you might not even pay attention to it. Most people get worried later on when the patch gets bigger. Early detection gives you higher chance of growing your beard back.
Some natural home remedies can help to stimulate hair growth. You should pay attention to your diet and live a healthy lifestyle. Start consuming foods that are rich in protein and iron and exercise regularly. This will help your body cope with stress.
Marbo Activator is one of the most effective natural products against alopecia areata and hair loss in patches in the world. The reason why Marbo Activator is so effective lies in its ingredients: Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) extract, Nettle (Urtica Dioica) Extract, Sage (Salvia Officinalis) Extract, Walnut (Juglans Regia) Seed Extract, Garlic (Allium Sativum) Extract, Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla) Extract, Birch (Betula Alba) Leaf Extract, White Willow (Salix Alba) Extract, Burdock (Arctium Lappa) Leaf Extract, Ivy (Hedera Helix) Leaf Extract.

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